
Stream is an interactive experience system for creepy tunnels. The aim is to make the experience of tunnels feel safer for pedestrians and cyclists using the tunnel. Stream uses elements from nature to create an atmosphere inside the tunnel that induces calmness. A turtle on the wall leads people passing through, walking slightly in front of them. This creates a feeling of guidance and makes people feel less alone. The sounds of wind chimes create a calming atmosphere, symbolising unity with the earth. Reflecting organic shapes create "echoes" of light, creating harmony and a cosy feeling. Demonstrators of this concept consist of a scale model, a polished prototype using sensors and an interactive virtual reality experience. The report discusses going from the pressure cooker to the demo day.


With this being my bachelor’s first design project, I had no expectations going in. The takeaway learning experience was completing a semester-long design challenge in a group and becoming familiar with an iterative design process. The project's methodology is not grounded in any literature, but rather the design decisions are informed by several iterations, examples from literature, the internet and basic user survey. Possible target stakeholders include the Municipality of Eindhoven.
