This project was done in the CRIGS squad (now known as New Futures). In the design case for the project, the target user is a family living in a smart home.
Family members miss out on one another in the mornings. When the father wakes up, the mother is already on her way to work. The family also misses time together on weekends because of busy schedules. Upside Dawn is a device that helps the family feel more in touch with one another throughout the week.
During the week, Upside Dawn provides users with a message recorded by their spouse just after they wake up. Despite being physically apart, this gives them a sense of connectedness with their significant other.
On weekends, Upside Dawn brings the sounds from the kitchen to the users' bedrooms. This makes them aware of activity in the house, informing them of the possibility of having family time if they leave their bedroom.
After the first year’s project, Upside Dawn is the first real design challenge in my bachelor's.
I learned a lot about programming and electronics design by designing an IoT-enabled device. Preparing the design for user testing proved challenging, as many different factors and requirements are involved. Combining the knowledge of the first-year courses, together with my team, we realised a functioning device and performed a basic deployment. The devices worked sometimes, but not always due to technical issues and the participants forgetting to record a message for each other. However, the participants responded positively to the occasions they did use the devices.
The takeaway learning experience was the importance of group planning when executing complex ideas into full-fledged prototypes. Working together in groups can be hard when every member is strong-willed in their approach and ideas. Through persevering together, we accomplished very complex functionality in our final demonstrator.